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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Yes, that is Tyler Hansborough Jumping Off a Building!

This image of Tyler Hansborough leaping off the second floor balcony of a frat house in Chapel Hill, NC (aka University of North Carolina, surfaced earlier this week. UNC's reigning Player of the Year took the dive along with Tar Heels point guard Bobby Frasor. As you can see this was your typical college party, equipped with "onlookers" chugging beers and taking photographs of their star forward taking a career risking leap.

This might bring concerns to Hansborough's offseason conduct, especially if he intends on entering the NBA Draft next season. Hansborough is highly touted because of the amount of energy and emotion he plays with. He is by far one of the most athletic people in the NCAA.

Could you honestly blame the star forward for acting in such fashion? Obviously it is the offseason, but then again HE IS JUMPING OFF A GODDAMN 2-STORY BUILDING! On top of it all the pool does not appear to be deep enough to hold the 6'9" frame of UNC's acclaimed "Psycho T".

Obviously if he were merely enjoying himself at the party, let's say drinking some beers while surrounded by hot college babes, and not jumping off balcony's, I am sure the media would still be criticizing this young man for his conduct.

The way I see it, he didn't get hurt (or arrested for that matter), than why worry? I am sure after seeing the amount of attention he is getting, he will smarten up and stop risking career-ending injuries. We could "what if?" all day about the injuries he could have sustained , but Hansborough is still in good health and enjoying the offseason like a typical college athlete should.

Being a college student myself, I am well aware of the amount of pressure he has been under the past few weeks. Obviously my recent college workload can't compare to Hansborough's.

For example, he just got blown away in the 2008 Final Four by Kansas, who went on to win the championship. Then he had to return home for classes, make-up whatever work he missed then prepare for final exams! If the man wants to take a wild dip in the pool let 'em! He's not even getting paid...yet ;)

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